Produ sunete de Ukulele si harpa in mod magic.
Acest device te ajuta sa subliniezi efectele magice si sa impresionezi spectaorii.
Wonder Orchestra 2.0 Pro Ukulele x Glass Harp
An excellent tool that can be used for a wide range of occasions, such as close-ups, street, parlors, birthday parties, etc.
What has evolved?
- 2 types of sound sources (ukulele x glass harp) are available on 1 device!
Up until now, there was only one instrument per device, but now two instruments can be played per device.
- No more button batteries!
Wonder Orchestra 2.0
- is USB rechargeable: it can be used up to about 250 times on one full charge.
- Compact size.
It is much smaller than the previous version.
- The buttons are now easier to press.
Sound can be produced with a light touch.
- One sound source has a variety of sounds included.
Single sounds, classical songs, happy birthday song, and several others.
- Line up glasses, cups, cans, bottles, etc., and fill them with water.
Surprise everyone around you with the sound of the Glass Harp.
- Begin playing the Ukulele with a borrowed fork or chopsticks.
In the end, there is nothing in your hand.
A very small sound device that can be easily used for magic!
The newly released device is a new product that is a further evolution of Wonder Orchestra 2.0 to professional-type specifications.
Differences from Wonder Orchestra 2.0 Wonder Orchestra 2.0 Pro
The difference is that the sound can be fast-forwarded, i.e., the sound can be skipped.
- Sound device
- USB charging cable
- Explanation video
(Glasses, cups, forks, chopsticks, etc. are not included.)
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