Bagheta care arunca bile de foc.
Accesoriu pentru spectacole de divertisment, esefcte teatrale si cinematografice.
Bagheta poate fi utilizata doar de persoane majore conform instructiunilor de utilizare.
Include bagheta speciala si instructiuni de utilizare.
Aveti nevoie de flash papaer si flash cotton care nu sunt incluse. Le puteti achizitiona separat.
hanks to this amazing tool, the magician can point his wand in any direction and shoot two balls of fire.
There will be a bang and instantly a flash of fire will shoot out of the tip. This can be repeated immediately after, with the second tip.
· Well made and professional. Very easy to use.
· Great to highlight any appearance, vanish, change…
· The wand can be used even just as a regular magic wand.
· The metal wand is 35cm (13,8”) long, and has a diameter of about 1cm (0,39”).
· Supplied is the special wand, 72 toy gun caps (once they are finished they can be purchased in toy shops), flash cotton or paper can be purchased seperately.
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