Senor Mardo (Red) Eggbag Martin Lewis

235,00 lei



În zilele noastre se pare că sacul magicpentru trucul cu  oul este  preferaul stilul Malini. Ofer varianta mea a genții Senor Mardo în prelegerea mea ca alternativă. Motivele mele pentru a prefera această geantă de stil sunt trei. Este mai ușor de manevrat, (știți ce) este invizibil chiar și la o inspecție directă și sunt posibile mult mai multe efecte, precum și unele mișcări noi. De asemenea, prefer culoarea mai proeminenta. Cuitoreasă expertă Gladys Lewis face acesti  saculeti și cred că sunt cei mai practici și înșelătoari saci de ouă disponibili.”
-Martin Lewis

Include instrucțiuni complete ilustrate și sac de ouă realizat manual.

Bonus: Wooden Egg by Bazar de Magia . Valoare = 42.00 lei

“Nowadays it seems that the egg bag of choice is the Malini Style. I offer my variation of the Senor Mardo bag in my lecture as an alternative. My reasons for preferring this style bag are threefold. It is easier to handle, the (you know what) is invisible even upon direct inspection, and far more effects are possible, as well as some novel moves. I also prefer the brighter coloring. Expert seamstress Gladys Lewis makes these bags and I believe them to be the most practical and deceptive egg bag available.”
-Martin Lewis

Includes complete illustrated instructions and hand-crafted egg bag.

“Nowadays it seems that the egg bag of choice is the Malini Style. I offer my variation of the Senor Mardo bag in my lecture as an alternative. My reasons for preferring this style bag are threefold. It is easier to handle, the (you know what) is invisible even upon direct inspection, and far more effects are possible, as well as some novel moves. I also prefer the brighter coloring. Expert seamstress Gladys Lewis makes these bags and I believe them to be the most practical and deceptive egg bag available.”
-Martin Lewis

Includes complete illustrated instructions and hand-crafted egg bag.



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